Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020

99 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020 35. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (a) Subsidiaries The consolidated financial statements of the Group include Westgold Resources Limited and the subsidiaries listed in the following table: Name Country of incorporation Ownership interest 2020 2019 Castile Resources Pty Ltd 1 Australia 0% 100% Aragon Resources Pty Ltd Australia 100% 100% Big Bell Gold Operations Pty Ltd Australia 100% 100% Minterra Pty Ltd 2 Australia 100% 100% Location 53 Pty Ltd Australia 100% 100% 1. Entity disposed on demerger 2. Formerly Australian Contract Mining Pty Ltd (b) Ultimate parent Westgold Resources Limited is the ultimate parent entity. (c) Key management personnel Details relating to key management personnel, including remuneration paid, are included in Note 34. (d) Transactions with related parties 2020 2019 Services provided by Westgold Resources Ltd to Castile Resources Ltd 395,355 – Amount owing by Castile Resources Ltd at 30 June 7,348 – PG Cook was the non-executive chairman of Castile Resources Ltd during the financial period. There were no other related party transaction for the year ending 30 June 2020. 36. INFORMATION RELATING TO WESTGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED (THE PARENT ENTITY) 2020 2019 Current assets 138,595,311 67,933,961 Total assets 389,667,260 369,646,651 Current liabilities 4,611,826 30,469,940 Total liabilities 5,174,113 30,506,316 Issued capital 356,130,056 299,494,862 Retained earnings 9,339,943 20,806,282 Share-based payments reserve 14,466,365 14,282,408 Other reserves 4,556,783 4,556,783 Total Equity 384,493,147 383,140,336 Profit of the parent entity 1,585,208 34,116,826 Total comprehensive profit of the parent entity 1,585,208 34,116,826