Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020

76 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020 Financial Report Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 7. EXPENSES (CONTINUED) 2020 2019 (c) Other expenses Administration expenses Employee benefits expense Salaries and wages expense 4,343,331 4,379,074 Directors' fees and other benefits 288,200 320,000 Other employee benefits 95,295 76,046 Share-based payments expense 183,956 1,021,722 4,910,782 5,796,842 Other administration expenses Consulting expenses 1,359,535 1,112,868 Travel and accommodation expenses 191,333 185,768 Other costs 606,845 1,357,964 Operating lease rentals – 367,526 2,157,713 3,024,126 Depreciation expense Property plant and equipment 344,501 308,204 Right-of-use assets 502,561 – 847,062 308,204 Total administration expenses 7,915,557 9,129,172 Total other expenses 7,915,557 9,129,172 8. INCOME TAX 2020 2019 (a) Major components of income tax expense: Income Statement Current income tax expense Current income tax benefit 7,140,285 (2,984,035) Adjustment in respect of current income tax of previous years 332,296 – Deferred income tax Relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences 3,040,207 (4,137,750) Relating to temporary difference recognised – 3,857,859 Adjustment in respect of prior year tax losses / DTA (1,257,671) – Income tax for continuing and discontinuing operations 9,255,117 (3,263,926) (b) Amounts charged or credited directly to equity Share issue costs (336,228) (198,394) (336,228) (198,394)