Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020

83 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020 17. MINE PROPERTIES AND DEVELOPMENT (CONTINUED) 2020 2019 Mine properties At 1 July net of accumulated amortisation 117,840,138 19,678,627 Additions 58,293,797 8,497,402 Transfer from capital work in progress (refer to Note 16) 2,179,429 7,740,340 Transfer from mine capital development 726,071 88,445,597 Transfer from exploration (refer to Note 18) 18,510,592 4,067,124 Increase in rehabilitation provision 6,714,063 – Disposal of subsidiary – (732,928) Amortisation charge for the year (15,314,152) (9,856,024) At 30 June net of accumulated amortisation 188,949,938 117,840,138 Mine capital development At 1 July net of accumulated amortisation 99,610,277 155,208,641 Additions 74,615,330 80,832,077 Disposal of subsidiary – (9,874,531) Transfer from capital work in progress (refer to Note 16) 1,314,436 2,957,890 Movement in rehabilitation liability (refer to Note 21) – 12,527,922 Transfer from exploration (refer to Note 18) 5,556,265 15,660,293 Transfer to capital development (726,071) (88,445,597) Amortisation charge for the year (70,807,046) (69,256,418) At 30 June net of accumulated amortisation 109,563,191 99,610,277 18. EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION EXPENDITURE Exploration and evaluation costs carried forward in respect of mining areas of interest 2020 2019 Pre-production areas At cost less expenditure written off 78,874,701 104,276,449 Net carrying amount 78,874,701 104,276,449 Movement in deferred exploration and evaluation expenditure At 1 July net of accumulated impairment 104,276,449 147,262,738 Additions 15,151,294 16,411,424 Disposal of subsidiary (16,129,868) (33,505,161) Transferred to mine properties (refer to Note 17) (18,510,592) (4,067,125) Transferred to mine capital development (refer to Note 17) (5,556,265) (15,660,293) Expenditure written off - continuing operations: (356,317) (5,471,706) Expenditure written off - discontinued operations – (693,428) At 30 June net of accumulated impairment 78,874,701 104,276,449