Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020

97 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2020 33. OPERATING SEGMENTS (CONTINUED) Revenue from external customers by geographical locations is detailed below. Revenue is attributable to geographical location based on the location of the customers. The Company does not have external revenues from external customers that are attributable to any foreign country other than as shown. 2020 2019 Australia 492,268,271 418,317,447 Total revenue 492,268,271 418,317,447 The Group has three customers to which it sells gold and each account for 41%, 46% and 13% of this external revenue respectively (2019: Three customers 36%, 61% and 3%). (e) Segment non-current assets are all located in Australia. 34. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL (a) Details of Key Management Personnel Appointed Resigned (i) Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) PJ Newton Non-Executive Chairman 6 October 2016 25 November 2019 PB Schwann Non-Executive Director 2 February 2017 – FJ Van Maanen Non-Executive Director 6 October 2016 – WC Bramwell Non-Executive Director 3 February 2020 – SV Shet Non-Executive Director 18 December 2017 26 February 2020 (ii) Executive Directors PG Cook Executive Chairman 19 March 2007 – JS Norregaard Executive Director 29 December 2016 22 June 2020 (iii) Other Executives (KMPs) DA Fullarton Chief Financial Officer 1 21 May 2018 – JS Norregaard Chief Executive Officer (MPL) 2 22 June 2020 14 August 2020 A Buckingham Chief Operating Officer 1 October 2019 – PM Storey General Manager (MGO) 23 July 2018 – PW Wilding General Manager (CGO) 1 July 2018 – DP Stuart General Manager (FGO) 2 7 October 2019 14 August 2020 L Smith Company Secretary & General Counsel 19 December 2019 – RB Armstrong General Manager (FGO) 1 July 2018 31 August 2019 DJ Noort General Manager (MPL) 20 August 2018 3 January 2020 DW Okeby Company Secretary & Legal Manager 1 December 2016 19 December 2019 1. DA Fullarton was promoted to Chief Executive Officer with effect from 1 July 2020. 2. JS Norregaard and DP Stuart departed on 14 August 2020. 3. There are no other changes of the key management personnel after the reporting date and before the date the financial report was authorised for issue.