Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021
9 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021 While Big Bell is the primary producer of ore to the Tuckabianna mill, the Comet underground mine has served well as a supplementary source and is expected to continue as such in FY22. After three years of de- watering, mine rehabilitation and refurbishment, Big Bell mine production began to rise in FY21 with steady state operations expected to be achieved in FY22. A number of open pits commenced at CGO in FY2021 including a new mining hub at Cuddingwarra North and open pits at Jim’s Find and City of Chester. Exploration and viability studies were carried out during FY2021 at the previously mined Fender open pit mine on the southern limits of the Big Bell shear, testing the economics of a transition to underground operations with this potential development scheduled to commence during FY22. Gold Sales C1 Cash Cost/oz ASIC/oz QTR GOLD SOLD OZ’S COST PER OZ 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 Sep Q 2020 Dec Q 2020 Mar Q 2021 Jun Q 2021 Gold Sales 18,983 22,279 20,631 19,433 C1 Cash Cost/oz 1,112 1,001 1,098 1,120 AISC/oz 1,285 1,154 1,247 1,245 CGO GOLD SOLD & A$ COSTS In addition to the mining operations, the Company is accelerating exploration activities across CGO with the primary focus being the Cuddingwarra and Day Dawn mining centres. This work has recently included the collection of new geophysical datasets and geological re-interpretations leading to the selection of new priority targets for drill testing in the second half of FY22.
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