Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021
for the year ended 30 June 2021 FINANCIAL REPORT 20 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021 DIRECTOR’S REPORT The Directors submit their report together with the financial report of Westgold Resources Limited (Westgold or the Company) and of the Consolidated Entity, being the Company and its controlled entities (the Group), for the year ended 30 June 2021. DIRECTORS The names and details of the Company’s Directors in office during the financial year and until the date of this report are as follows. Directors were in office for this entire period unless otherwise stated. Names, qualifications, experience and special responsibilities Peter Cook – Non-Executive Chairman (Appointed 19 March 2007) Mr Cook is a geologist and mineral economist and holds a Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Master of Science in Mineral Economics and a MAusIMM. Mr Cook has over 35 years of experience in the fields of exploration, project, operational and corporate management of mining companies. During the past three years, he has also served as a director of the following public listed companies: – Nelson Resources Limited (Appointed 4 June 2013 - Resigned 1 February 2019) – Castile Resources Limited (Appointed 7 June 2011) – Breaker Resources NL ( Appointed 6 September 2021) – Titan Minerals Limited (Appointed 30 August 2021). Wayne Bramwell - Executive Director (Appointed 3 February 2020) Mr Bramwell is a metallurgist and mineral economist, experienced director and mining executive with extensive project and corporate development, executive management and governance expertise in precious and base metal companies spanning nearly three decades. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Extractive Metallurgy, a Graduate Diploma in Business, a Master of Science in Mineral Economics and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). Mr Bramwell served on the Company’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee and Remuneration & Nomination Committee. During the past three years, he has served as a director of the following public listed companies: – CZR Resources Limited (appointed 3 November 2020, resigned 19 February 2021) – Azure Minerals Limited (appointed 14 October 2020, resigned 19 February 2021) – Ardea Resources Limited (appointed 29 January 2018, resigned 3 July 2020). Fiona Van Maanen - Non-Executive Director (Appointed 6 October 2016) Mrs Van Maanen is a CPA, holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and a Graduate Diploma in Company Secretarial Practice. Mrs Van Maanen has significant experience in corporate governance, financial management and accounting in the mining and resources industry. Mrs Van Maanen serves on the Company’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee and Remuneration & Nomination Committee. During the past three years, she has served as a director of the following public listed company: – Pantoro Limited (Appointed 4 August 2020). Peter Schwann - Independent Non-Executive Director (Appointed 2 February 2017) Mr Schwann (Assoc. in Applied Geology, FAIG, MSEG) is a highly experienced, internationally recognised geologist and mining executive. Mr Schwann has broad experience across multiple commodities with extensive geological capability as well as significant operational management. Mr Schwann serves on the Company’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee and Remuneration & Nomination Committee. During the past three years, he has served as a director of the following public listed company: – Aruma Resources Limited (appointed 10 February 2010). Gary Davison - Non-Executive Director (Appointed 1 June 2021) Mr Davison, FAusIMM (CP), is a highly regarded mining engineer with over 40 years of worldwide mining experience. Gary holds a Diploma in Engineering (Mining) and a Masters in Mineral and Energy Economics. He is also the Managing Director of Australia’s premier mining consultancy Mining One Pty Ltd. Mr Davison serves on the Company’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee and Remuneration & Nomination Committee. During the past three years, he has served as a director of the following public listed company: – Nagambie Resources Ltd (Appointed 15 May 2019, resigned 8 September 2021).
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