Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021
for the year ended 30 June 2021 FINANCIAL REPORT DIRECTOR’S REPORT 22 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021 CORPORATE STRUCTURE Westgold operates a corporate structure that places its operations with wholly owned subsidiaries as depicted in the following corporate organisational structure: OPERATING AND FINANCIAL REVIEW IMPACT OF COVID-19 Westgold did not apply for or receive any COVID-19 funding support from the Federal or State governments during FY2021. Westgold utilises a predominantly fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) and drive-in, drive-out (DIDO) workforce to operate its Murchison gold assets. Ongoing state and regional border closures, often with less than 24 hours’ notice, continued to impact operations during the year. At the onset of COVID-19 restrictions, approximately 85% of our personnel were domiciled in Western Australia, the remaining 15% commuting from outside of Western Australia. Consequently, to sustain our operations in the face of snap lock downs, border closures and travel restrictions, Westgold dynamically responded to the ever-changing environment to protect its workforce and sustain operations. The financial impact of COVID-19 is difficult to estimate but it is clear that many of the inputs to our business have escalated during FY2021 as sector demand for labour, equipment and mining consumables outstripped short-term availability. Westgold continues to closely monitor the health advice across Australia and work cooperatively with government departments and other stakeholders to mitigate impacts of COVID-19. WESTGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED ACN 009 260 306 Fortnum Gold Operations (FGO) Mining Services (MPL) Meekatharra Gold Operations (MGO) Cue Gold Operations (CGO) Aragon Resources Pty Ltd ACN 114 714 662 Minterra Pty Ltd ACN 080 756 172 Big Bell Gold Operations Pty Ltd ACN 090 642 809
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