Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021

49 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2021 for the year ended 30 June 2021 FINANCIAL REPORT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Notes 2021 2020 Continuing operations Revenue 5 571,170,198 492,268,271 Cost of sales 7(a) (455,456,036) (462,752,732) Gross profit 115,714,162 29,515,539 Other income 6 2,292,234 5,921,274 Gain on demerger of subsidiary 38 – 8,727,618 Finance costs 7(b) (347,475) (918,881) Other expenses 7(c) (10,881,936) (7,915,557) Net gain on fair value changes of financial assets 15 5,202,140 8,888,756 Exploration and evaluation expenditure written off 18 (86,058) (356,317) Profit before income tax from continuing operations 111,893,067 43,862,432 Income tax expense 8 (35,141,187) (9,255,117) Net Profit for the year 76,751,880 34,607,315 Other comprehensive profit for the year, net of tax – – Total comprehensive profit for the year 76,751,880 34,607,315 Total comprehensive profit attributable to: members of the parent entity 76,751,880 34,607,315 76,751,880 34,607,315 Earnings per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent (cents per share) Basic profit per share Continuing operations 9 18.16 8.65 Diluted profit per share Continuing operations 9 18.12 8.65