14 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2022 Westgold released its annual update of Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimates on the ASX on 23 September 2022. Shareholders should refer to that announcement for full detail including JORC 2012 appendices. The tables below summarise them by operational area. MINERAL RESOURCE STATEMENT – ROUNDED FOR REPORTING 30 JUNE 2022 Project Tonnes (‘000s) Grade (g/t) Ounces Au (‘000s) Measured Murchison 8,942 3.13 901 Bryah 2,137 2.86 197 Sub-Total 11,078 3.08 1,097 Indicated Murchison 45,722 2.21 3,249 Bryah 14,042 1.85 836 Sub-Total 59,764 2.13 4,085 Inferred Murchison 34,916 2.19 2,458 Bryah 4,473 2.08 300 Sub-Total 39,389 2.18 2,758 Total Murchison 89,579 2.29 6,608 Bryah 20,651 2.01 1,332 Grand Total 110,231 2.24 7,940 ORE RESERVE STATEMENT – ROUNDED FOR REPORTING 30 JUNE 2022 Project Tonnes (‘000s) Grade (g/t) Ounces Au (‘000s) Proven Murchison 5,867 2.72 513 Bryah 1,166 1.81 68 Sub-Total 7,033 2.57 581 Probable Murchison 14,542 2.73 1,278 Bryah 4,347 1.84 258 Sub-Total 18,889 2.53 1,536 Total Murchison 20,410 2.73 1,791 Bryah 5,512 1.84 325 Grand Total 25,922 2.54 2,116 Glossary: Murchison incorporates the Meekatharra and Cue business units. Bryah incorporates the Fortnum business unit. OUR OPERATIONS MINERAL RESOURCES & ORE RESERVES