Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2022

97 Westgold Resources Limited Annual Report 2022 33. OPERATING SEGMENTS (CONTINUED) Revenue from external customers by geographical locations is detailed below. Revenue is attributable to geographical location based on the location of the customers. The Company does not have external revenues from external customers that are attributable to any foreign country other than as shown. 2022 2021 Australia 647,576,618 571,170,198 Total revenue 647,576,618 571,170,198 The Group has two customers to which it sells gold and each account for 52% and 48% of this external revenue respectively (2021: 68% and 32%). (e) Segment non-current assets are all located in Australia. 34. KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL (a) Details of Key Management Personnel Appointed Resigned (i) Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) Hon. CL Edwardes AM Non-Executive Chair 28/03/2022 – WC Bramwell Non-Executive Director 03/02/2020 31/07/2021 FJ Van Maanen Non-Executive Director 06/10/2016 – GR Davison Non-Executive Director 01/06/2021 – JL Matthys Non-Executive Director 28/03/2022 – PGCook Non-Executive Chair 01/08/2021 28/03/2022 PB Schwann1 Non-Executive Director 02/02/2017 – (ii) Executive Directors WC Bramwell Executive Director 01/08/2021 23/05/2022 WC Bramwell Managing Director 24/05/2022 – PGCook Executive Chair 19/03/2007 31/07/2021 (iii) Other Executives (KMPs) SH Heng Chief Financial Officer 02/08/2021 – PWWilding A/Chief Operating Officer 24/05/2022 – L Smith Company Secretary 30/12/2019 – DA Fullarton Chief Executive Officer 01/07/2020 24/05/2022 A Buckingham Chief Operating Officer 01/10/2019 24/05/2022 1. PB Schwann resigned as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 26 July 2022. There are no other changes of the key management personnel after the reporting date and before the date the financial report was authorised for issue.